Enterprise Administration

Before users can access HR Management for Spectrum, they must be added to your enterprise and assigned an enterprise user role and an HR Management role.

Enterprise Roles

At the enterprise level, roles assigned are either User or Enterprise Admin. Only your Trimble Construction One administrator will have an Enterprise Admin role. All other users of HR Management should be assigned a User role. Learn about User Roles and Data Access. For help adding HR users at the enterprise level, see the Users section in Help.

Note: Employee users are set up differently from HR team members. See the sections that follow for details.

HR Management Roles

HR team members are assigned either an Administrator or Specialist role for an enterprise. HR administrators can access HR Management modules immediately. However, HR specialists need additional permissions before they can see or perform tasks within HR Management.
  • In Employee Self-Service, HR administrators must assign HR specialists to the appropriate permission groups before those specialists can access the Employee Dashboard. See Permission Groups for details.

  • In Onboarding, HR administrators must assign HR specialists to the appropriate profile groups and grant them profile group permissions before those specialists can access Onboarding options. See Profile Groups for details.

Employee Users

In order to enable your employee users, you will need to create limited security Spectrum operator records for them and then migrate those operator accounts to Trimble Construction One. After their accounts are migrated, employee users will not have an assigned HR Management role for an enterprise. Instead, their HR Management Role will show as None on the User Management page in Trimble Construction One. For help setting up employee users, see Invite Employees to Employee Self-Service.
Note: If you are an existing Viewpoint Team user, you may already have employee users set up in Trimble Construction One who are not set up as operators in Spectrum. These users will show a User Type of External User on the User Management tab. For help migrating these accounts to Trimble Construction One, see Viewpoint Team Users: Migrate External User Types Via Spectrum.