Receive a PO

The Purchase Order Receiving Module opens a receiving batch, validates the batch, and posts the batch.

  1. Select Field Tools or Financial Controls > Purchasing > PO Receiving.
  2. Use the Job and Vendor filters to quickly find the PO you wish to receive against or if you know your PO Number, enter it in the Purchase Order search box.
  3. To limit your receiving to specific item, choose that Item from the drop-down.
  4. The Batch Month defaults to the current month and the Date of Delivery defaults to today's date. You can modify these fields as needed.
  5. Enter Notes and the Receiving/Tag Number as needed.
    Notes entered in the Notes field are shown on the Notes tab in PO Receipts Entry in Vista.
  6. Enter the Units you received. If everything was received in full, scroll down to the bottom and select Receive All.
    Note: If you are required to include an attachment, select the paper clip icon. If you are on a desktop this will allow you to search or drop attachments. If you are on a mobile device (phone or tablet) you will be able to access your camera and pictures.
  7. When you have competed entering, select Submit. Remaining units will update on PO Dashboard once the PO has been initialized in AP.