User Account Migrated With an Incorrect Email Address

If a user's account was migrated to Trimble Construction One with an incorrect email address, ask if the user received the initial email invitation to join Trimble Construction One. This determines how to resolve this issue.

User received the invitation

Ask the user to accept the invitation to Trimble Construction One. Then instruct the user to go to the following two places to update their email address:

  • Log in with your current credentials. The My Profile page opens. Under the Account Management section on the right side of the page, select Change email address. Follow the prompts to update your email address.

    Note: If you are already logged in to Trimble Construction One, you can access the My Profile page by selecting your name or picture in the upper right and then selecting My Profile.
  • Log in with your current credentials. Then select your name in the upper right, and choose My Settings. Update your email address in the Email/username field, and save your changes.

User did not receive the invitation

Ask a Spectrum System Administrator to correct the user's email address in the Spectrum Operator Maintenance screen. Then your Enterprise Admin can re-migrate the user's account. For help migrating accounts, see Migrate Employee Users to Trimble Construction One (Trimble ID).

Important: As a System Administrator, do not change the email address for a user whose account has been migrated and who has accepted the invitation to Trimble Construction One. If you change the email address and re-migrate the user's account after they accepted the invitation, you will break the user's connection to Employee Self-Service and their employee data, such as pay statements. After a user has set up their Trimble ID, only that user can change their email address, as instructed in the section above.