Reset your Password

If you don't know your password, you can click Request my login details when logging in to your account to reset it.

  1. Click Request my login details.
    The Having trouble logging in? window will appear.
  2. Enter the Email Address you used when you created your user account and click Continue.
    An email with your username will be sent to you. If you have more than one account, you'll receive all of your usernames in the email.
  3. Click the Click here to reset password link next to the username that you want to reset the password for.
    Restriction: The password reset link is only valid for 60 minutes from the time that you clicked the Request my login details link.
    You'll be directed to the Reset Your Password window.
  4. Enter a New Password. Enter the password again into Confirm New Password.
  5. Click OK.
    You'll be directed to the Enterprise selection screen.