Make a Field or Classification Mandatory

Mandatory fields and classifications can be used to require users to enter a description when adding documents, tasks and / or discussions.

This option can be configured at the enterprise, site, project, or container level, and the setting inherits through the navigation tree. Therefore, if the description is set as mandatory at the site level for document containers, all projects and document containers within it will also include a mandatory description on uploads.

  1. Right-click on an enterprise, site, project, or container where you want to implement the mandatory field or classifications.
    The mandatory fields or classifications will be required on all containers below this level.
  2. Navigate to Configure > This Container
  3. Open the Mandatory Fields section.
  4. Click the Expansion icon next to the Field Preferences field to open the Mandatory Fields Configuration dialog.
  5. Untick the Inherit check box to no longer inherit from the level above.
  6. Select True in the Mandatory field option.
  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the Mandatory Fields Configuration dialog.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Click Close.
All subcontainers will inherit the mandatory field or classification. You can check this by repeating steps 1-4 for the subcontainer and verifying the Inherit check boxes are ticked.