Move an Applicant to Onboarding

Once they reach the final hiring stage on the Applicant Detail page, applicants can be moved to Onboarding.

If your company is not using the Onboarding module, the option to send new hire records to Onboarding might not be available. Contact your System Admin for more information.
  1. Select Employee Tools > Job Requisitions.
  2. In the Req Info column, select the job requisition.
    The Job Requisition Detail page opens.
  3. In the Full Name column, select the applicant's name.
    The Applicant Detail page opens.
  4. Select Change Stage.
    The Change Stage pop-up window opens showing the applicant's name at the top.
  5. In the New Stage dropdown, select the last stage (typically Hired), and assign the Date Hired / Offer date.
  6. Select Change.
    The Applicant Detail page now shows a Send To Onboarding button.
  7. Select Send To Onboarding.
    The Create Onboarding Invitation pop-up window opens.
  8. Select an Onboarding profile from the dropdown..
    This profile determines which tasks and forms the applicant will complete during onboarding and who in your organization can access the applicant's Onboarding details.
  9. Select Confirm.
    An Onboarding invitation is emailed to the applicant. This email includes a link to your Onboarding welcome page and information on how to log in.
  10. To access the applicant's details from the Job Requisition Detail page:
    1. Select All Hired from the Applicant Stage dropdown.
    2. In the Full Name column, locate and select the applicant's name.