View User Information

The user directory displays a list of all users. You can view information such as job title, organization name, telephone number, and email at a glance.

  1. Navigate to Directory > Users in an enterprise, site, or project.
    A list of users that have access to the enterprise, site, or project appears.
  2. Use the search features to locate a specific user.
    The Last Accessed column displays the last time the user accessed the enterprise, site, or project.
  3. To view general user information, click on a user in the Name field.
    A dialog displays the user's information, including their title, email address, and organization.
  4. To view all of the actions performed by the user in the enterprise, site, or project, right-click next to the user in the column and click User Journal.
    A dialog displays the actions performed by the user.
  5. To determine which distribution group(s) or security groups a particular user is a member of, right-click next to the user in the column and click Groups for Profile. In the dialog that displays, you can easily remove them from groups if necessary.