Audit History Fields

The following table provides descriptions for the fields shown on the Audit History page in Employee Self-Service.

HR admins and authorized HR specialists can access an employee's history by selecting the History section from the Employee Details page. See View Employee Details for more information.

Note: HR specialists can view information only for employees who fall under their permission groups. See Permission Groups for details.
Field Description
Latest Activity Shows the date and time that the Personal Information change occurred.
Submitted By Shows the name of the user who requested the change.
Audited By For approved changes, shows the name of the authorized HR team member who accepted the change on the Approvals page.
Employee Detail Changed Lists the Personal Information field that the employee changed. For example, Last Name or City.
Update Shows the employee's requested change in a before / after format. The content before the employee's change shows as strikethrough text on a From line, and the employee's requested change shows on a To line.

For example:

ERP Error Message If applicable, lists any Spectrum error messages that resulted following approval of the change in HR Management.
Status Shows the status for the Personal Information change. Each possible status is described below.
Status descriptions Edit Pending Approval The employee submitted a change to Personal Information; that change is awaiting HR approval in HR Management.
Edit Approved The employee submitted a change to Personal Information; an authorized HR team member approved that change in HR Management.
Edit Sent to Spectrum The HR Management system sent an approved Personal Information update to Spectrum; that change is currently being processed and is not yet reflected in Spectrum.
Edit Rejected by Spectrum The HR Management system sent an approved Personal Information update to Spectrum; Spectrum rejected that change. An ERP error was generated and sent to the History log in HR Management.
Edit Accepted by Spectrum The HR Management system sent an approved Personal Information update to Spectrum where it was accepted. That change is now reflected in Spectrum.
Edit Denied by HR Manager The employee submitted a change to Personal Information; an authorized HR team member denied that change in HR Management.
Edit Overridden by a Spectrum Update The employee submitted a change to Personal Information; that change was overwritten by another user's edit in Spectrum. As a result, the original change was cancelled.
Edit Cancelled by a New Update The employee submitted a change to Personal Information and then updated that change prior to HR approval. As a result, the original change was cancelled and the new change was submitted for HR approval.
No Approval Needed A change was made in HR Management that does not require approval.
Received New Employee from Spectrum A Spectrum user created a new employee record in Spectrum. This new employee record was sent to HR Management.
Received Update from Spectrum A Spectrum user updated the employee's record in Spectrum. This change also updated the employee's record in HR Management.