About Portal Access for Terminated and Rehired Employees

Former employees have access to the Earnings and Personal Info modules by default if those modules have been enabled for them on the User Access page.

The following sections describe how you can control portal access for terminated or inactive employees, and how rehired employees regain access.

Prevent Access for Terminated Employees

To prevent employees who are no longer with your company (set as inactive in Vista PR Employees) from accessing your portal, you can do either of the following:

  • To prevent all former employees from accessing your portal, select the check box for the following portal setting: Disable Portal Access immediately upon termination for all users located under Admin > Portal Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Security / Login > General Configuration.
  • To prevent an individual employee from accessing your portal, deselect the checkboxes for all modules currently enabled for that employee (including Earnings and Personal Info) on the User Access page.

Allow Access for Inactive Employees Without a Termination Date

As an option, you can allow full access to your portal for employees set as inactive in Vista PR Employees but without a termination date by enabling the following advanced portal setting: Allow portal access for inactive PR Employees without a term date located under Admin > Portal Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Administration / Initial Setup > Advanced Configuration. If you enable this setting, inactive employees without a termination date will retain access to all modules that are enabled for them on the User Access page.

Access for Terminated Employees Whose Accounts are Linked to Viewpoint ID

For terminated employees whose accounts remain linked to VPID:

  • If their employee record was set as inactive in Vista and a termination date was entered, they can log in via their employee number and their Viewpoint ID as long as their Viewpoint ID remains active.
  • If a termination date was not entered in Vista, these users can log in via their Viewpoint ID; however, they cannot log in via their employee number.

Terminated employees whose accounts are unlinked from their VPID can log in via their employee number if you have enabled the portal setting Allow portal access for inactive PR Employees without a term date.

Access for Rehired Employees

Rehired employees (must be marked as active in PR Employees in Vista) automatically regain access to all modules that were previously enabled for them on the User Access page. Be sure to review a rehired employee's restored permissions to ensure that the user has the appropriate level of user access.