Search for a Profile Group

Search for profile groups that you want to review or edit. HR administrators can modify profile groups at any time.

  1. From the home page, in the Onboarding section, select Hiring Process Setup.
    Note: Alternatively, select in the upper left corner of the home page, and select HR Management > Hiring Setup.
  2. Select the Manage Profile Groups tab.
    The Profile Group Settings page opens, with a list of existing profile groups displayed in the left pane.
  3. In the Search Profiles box, enter the profile group name or a portion of the name.
    The system filters the profile group list based on your search terms.
  4. Select the profile group.
    The Profile Group Settings area changes to show details for the selected profile group.
  5. Review or edit the profile group as needed.
  6. If you make changes, select Save.